Registration Form

for the SVPA-ASMAP-ASAP General Assembly 2023

As every year, the SVPA-ASMPA-ASAP association meets for its annual Retraite. At the Retraite, the association's General Assembly is also always held. At this meeting, the work completed in the previous year and the Action Plan for the coming years are discussed. Voting for the association's official positions ( presidency, vice-presidency, treasurer, managers, etc.) is also held. Our affiliated associations are also invited to participate on this occasion. 

This year's Retraite will be held in Biel/Bienne from the evening of 6 to the afternoon of 8 October 2023. The General Assembly takes place from 9.45 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. on Sunday

If you and your colleagues would like to attend the general meeting (in person or even just via live streaming), you are kindly invited to fill in the form below. Please also check the spam folder of your email in the following days if this is the first time you are contacting us. 

We look forward to seeing you there!

Link for the GA ZOOM Meeting

The Meeting will be active on Sunday, October 8, starting 10 AM.

Registration Form for Attendance at the General Assembly

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

To contact us please use our contact form or write us via e-mail


Schweizerische Vereinigung Psychiatrischer Assistenzärztinnen und Assistenzärzte SVPA

Association Suisse des Médecins Assistantes et assistants en Psychiatrie ASMAP

Associazione Svizzera degli Assistenti Psichiatri ASAP

Swiss Association of Psychiatric Trainees SAPT



Postfach 3000 Bern